Those of us who enjoy being surrounded by the beauty of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks, enthusiastically welcomed the formation - in 1993 - of the Essex Theatre Company, Inc. With the addition of winter productions, ETC has become a successful year-round volunteer activity.
Built circa 1810 by the firm of Ransom Noble and Sons, it was a large, yet plain, gray stone warehouse. The building had many successive uses, including those of a small factory, apartments, a movie house, and a summer theatre. The summer theatre operated from 1930 until the Second World War stopped the productions in the 1940's. It then became a Masonic Lodge and continues to be a Lodge till this day. Since 1994 the Masons have invited the Essex Theatre Co., Inc. to use it during the summer months as a theatre.
ETC is a not-for-profit, tax exempt community theatre incorporated in New York State. Your donations are tax deductible and an important source of funding that allows us to maintain our low ticket prices. Envelopes are available at the door for donations, and you are encouraged to join ETC by asking to be put on the mailing list.